Friday, June 12, 2009

the trendiest of trends


Perspectives - Myself

Who are we to make justice the way we do?
Two parties are biased and the third,
Doesn't even know when, where, what or who.
Emotions rule the courts, now that's just absurd.
The homeless man has to shoot down his food
Time comes for decisions, which way do you lean?
"He's just fightin' for survival, dude!"
or "He's a feral, madman, a killing machine!"?

Without a total global mental connection
Every little thing could stand for correction
Even when we have explored everyone's perspective
It's all up to our respective directives.

Take the oversqueezed topic that is love,
Your opinions are always mixed
To some it's all doves and wonderful like the stars above
But to the heartbroken, it's pain that can't be fixed
He is all but lost for words
She thinks he just doesn't listen.
He thinks she doesn't love him, and that hurts
She's just too embarrassed to tell him how much he glistens.

Without a total global mental connection
Every little thing could stand for correction
Even when we have explored everyone's perspective
We can never be called psychological detectives.

I am proud,
I am loud,
You see a showoff,
Who thinks he's so tough
Has he lost his mind
Or is his incredibly refined?
Is she lame
Or is she just completely sane?
Hyperactive or a dancer?
We'll never know the answer.

Without a total global mental connection
Every little thing could stand for correction
Even when we have explored everyone's perspective
Earthly methods of judgement will never be effective.


I think this took more than one hour to write.
Yeah, it sucks.

Excuse the poor expression.
A writer's not what I am.

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