Tuesday, May 26, 2009


inspired by jackus.
asked by joyeetus.
answered by chrus.

if you could be anybody in the world, who would you be and who would you have as your best friend?

I have two answers to this one. I would really be myself the same as I am, since I have everything I need + more (=. but a satisfying answer would be: I want to be Superman.
he gets da chixxx and is hardcore and junk yeah? he can like run fast, and punch walls without
bruising his knuckles (hmmmrrrr). And my best friend would be Captain Falcon. He would be
the most super friend ever. Imagine the nerdgasms that would result from that teamup.

why are you copying me?!

why are you copying me?!

deaf or blind?

judging by the fact that I can see, and I can hear, I'm going to say that I'm neither.
To answer your question properly, I'd say deaf. I don't think I could live without sight.

is there life after death?

There is death after life.
But to answer your question properly (:D) I think there is some form of afterlife. I hope not for heaven, but for a peaceful observation of the world like a ghost who flies through the air and says hi to other ghosts. OH and I want my ghost to be my 25 year old self.

if you knew that aliens were listening, what would you say to them ?

I would just play Kaizers Orchestra. Then I'd say "Take this to your people and you may worship together."

have you ever been alone in a crowded room ?

Well, I'm here with you, I said
The world could be burning down.


first thing that comes to your mind when i say 'cap'

The ladies just LOOOOOOOOOVE the CAPPYY!

That line specifically, but when I think of that I think of Friday 8th of May 2009.
Out near the memorial garden, rehearsing the first script.

chocolate or chocolate

dammit joyeeta, how do you keep thinking of the hardest and most brainracking questions?

rrgh, this is such a tough one. I'm going to have to say chocolate. wait not chocolate, chocolate !

whichever you think is sexier. (=

would you use a toaster or a hair dryer or other to kill yourself in a bathtub?

If I did commit suicide in a bathtub, it would probably be the hair dryer, i mean, the toast would get wet anyway.

But seriously, in a bathtub, sleeping pills. I wouldn't even need an OD.

would you rather go bungee jump with a normal rope or skydive with an umbrella?

So let me clarify, you want me to choose between:
Getting my feet chopped off then falling to my death.


Falling to my death.

I think I'll choose the latter, thanks for the intelligent question.

(special grace addition) :)arent u sleepy

YES. Joyeeta come back so we can beddybyes.

That's all the questions I'm answering now. more questions please.

It was cold and dark, but I wasn't all alone.

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