Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Today, I will read you a story.

It's about a boy called Christopher Gong.
He's a teenager in the high point of life. Any more excitement in his life would cause a chemical reaction that will cause him to explode into bite-sized cubes. So he goes to school and he's in Year 9. I think he would say that its been his best year ever. The lowest of lows will be followed by the highest of highs. ALWAYS. Think about it.

Anyway, in the morning he wakes up. 6:31 is shown on his clock. This is due to the fact that his alarm is on his phone and set to 6:30. But his phone is one minute slower than his clock. But nevermind this at all, he sets his phone timer to 29 minutes, as this is all he will allow himself to sleep in, and climbs back up to his top bunk. He admires his portrait and then dozes off to thoughts of a person he will see in a couple of hours. His in-head bliss is smashed by the sound of an electronic bell sample. His 29 minutes are up. The clock now reads 7:00. He was dreaming too well to wake up now, so in his half-sleep, he sets himself ten more minutes. Once again, the timer wakes the boy. 7:10. By 7:16 he jumps out of bed and applies his deodorant liberally, hoping it will be noticed. Now in his sport uniform, he has two minutes to leave the house. "Food isn't important." he thinks and goes to brush his teeth. Then he sets his iPod to blast various Norwegian bands into his willing ears. He then grabs a pair of socks, stuffs it in his shoe and dashes outside. He rushes up the street to Pennant Hills Rd, ignoring anything sharp or of questionable texture that he steps on with his bare feet. He runs a close call into the middle of the busy road, and the bus pulls up to the bus stop just metres away from where he's standing.
The children have nearly all filed into the 781 and Christopher still sees no gaps in the traffic. Then as the bus doors almost close on him, one particular white car slows down for him and blinks his lights to indicate Chris' right to cross. Having no time to thank the driver or even look at them, he speeds across the road and onto the bus, giving him/her a mind kiss along the way. He takes a seat next to J. Kao as there are people missing on Wednesdays. He curses the recent early-comings of the 781 with her and then settles and turns up his music. By the next bus stop he remembers that he still needs to put on his shoes, so he does so.

Upon arrival at school, his iPod is still on and Sigøynerblod is playing. He dances around in the quadrangle to this upbeat piece. His peers think it is ridiculous. It is then when Christopher realises that he is the only one who can hear the music and calms down. Yeah, Christopher Gong, the weird guy who dances too much. And quite poorly too. Many people just see him as a way to get a quick thrill or a cheap laugh, and he enjoys giving it. But until late last year, thats ALL he was. Anyway, after a few more minutes of being antisocial, he switches off his iPod and joins the conversation.

The 8:38 bell which marks the beginning of the school day rings and Christopher rushes off to roll call after giving R. Lee a handwriting sample. At roll call he meets a sight for sore eyes, and laughs at how pathetic he is. His eyes are sore for them after only hours of separation. The roll marked, he moves off to Geography followed by PD. After a video about Australian Fauna and love confessions from L. Pavich, recess begins. Christopher, by the way is a scabby scabface, and he knows it and is told it. His stomach a fifth filled by scabbed food, he moves off to Woodwork, confused at where the Photography students are going. He cuts out his tray's legs and helps SFVMcB 'penetrate' in this period. When the bell rings, he rushes out and throught the back of the TLC to his Maths period in an art room. No, he's not keen on Maths, but he is on the Photography students. When he gets there, he realises that they went somewhere else, so he goes to Maths. He finishes not listening to Mr. McFadden and walks out to lunch. He spends lunchtime in the G corridor chit-chatting with his mates.

Next is sport. Whether or not Walking would involve walking is up to the teacher and students. Christopher, being the energetic young go-getter he is, expresses his desire to walk despite the ominous weather. Pity is that he was the only one of his kind in his group, so when the teacher decides that they would be walking, he could hear and feel the hate radiating off the bodies of his peers. The group reaches their destination of Stockland shopping mall in Baulkham Hills through a complex of side streets. Being the scabby scabface he is with many nice friends, he manages to alleviate his hunger with Choc Chip cookies, lamingtons and Cola. Upon Christopher's group's arrival back at school, he and his friends migrate to the unoccupied drama room to have some form of mixed social. Music is practised, playful frolicking is happening. An abrupt stop to this festival of Year 9s is seen to by Mr. Hopper. All the students pace out of the room quicker than expected. That eccentric Art teacher can be threatening at times.

After a few minutes spent outside, Christopher catches his bus, the 772. Luckily for him, the bus is only half filled when he boards, unlike on other occasions. He takes a seat next to a good friend of his and he and she enjoy the ride home. His bus stop comes by and he steps off the bus and walks home. He is already exhausted and thinks about the holidays, when sometimes this is the time he gets out of bed to start the day.

Now Christopher is at home and already misses her.

He is now laughing at how pathetic he is.
I am Christopher Ben Gong.

1 comment:

  1. Your life has ham. My life has no ham. I has ham, yet my life lacks ham.
