Thursday, June 25, 2009

våre demoner

For our demons

Have haunted us for generations

Here's my thoughts on humanity's 'demons/demoner':

1. Pride:

Let's swallow it. Put it aside. Forget about it for a while. I already have. Peel away the cold exterior and reveal what's in our brains. It doesn't hurt to show a little bit of raw emotion. Tell the ones you love how much you do. I look pathetic and I don't care. I've swallowed my pride.

2. Taking Things for Granted:

or "getting bored of something" or "you-don't-know-what-you've-got-'til-its-gone disease". People get bored of me much easier than I get bored of them. What I do is think every day about how thankful I am for what I have. I try to show it in words and action. Others, they will be less and less excited to see me until it comes to a point where it goes "Why are you so clingy?". I won't take that well. I'm savouring what I have. I won't get bored.

Oh I'll be burning for years to come, stay with me and stay alight.

3. Shyity/Shyness/Lack of Confidence:

I don't know if this can be treated so much as influenced. I was a very shy boy back in the day. Since the separation of my parentals, I've been a total crazed mess of a person. I don't know why, but I've just gone "What the hell." and gone for it. How much does it take to pluck up the courage to drop one line that'll be memorable? Get out there. Into people's minds.

Break the ice. Don't wait for it to melt.

4. Self-hate:

Now I admit I haven't defeated this demon. Sometimes you just feel like the worst person ever. Most of the time I don't even know where I've gone wrong, and I just sit around moping and wondering what on earth I did. Then I settle on "I'm just unpleasant in general.". I'm told this isn't true, but people still act like I am a very bad human being. But I now think its no-ones fault.

Self-hate gets you nowhere, sometimes some pity, but otherwise nothing.

Leaves a taste as sour as vinegar in your mouth.

5. Hypocrisy:

Okay so I still have pride. Just a slither. I'm a hypocrite. And I have taken things for granted before. But I've learned my lesson mostly. I'm a hypocrite. And I still am shy and there are things that I can't bring myself to do. I'm a hypocrite. I try to give advice to other people who have the same problems I have that I don't treat myself. I'm a hypocrite.

I'm a teenager.


Love songs know their stuff.

Kaizers Orchestra - Våre demoner

Released: 27 April 2009

Check it out. Inspired this blog. Shameless plugs for the win. It's in Norwegian but the music is nice. Check it out if you haven't yet. (27 April was the day Joyeeta returned from her trip to Thailand and was Jason Mi's 14th birthday).

1 comment:

  1. I will respond one by one. I am a guy who doesn't know what he's talking about so pay no attention to my opinion =D.

    1) I have a lot of pride. Pride is just self respect. If you don't respect yourself, then what are you? You're worthless, that's what. In your own eyes you will be worthless and this will make you worthless for real O_O.

    2)YES! YES! YES! good point. Quoth the counting crows:
    "Don't it always seem to go
    That you don't know what you got till it's gone
    They paved paradise
    And put up a parking lot"
    I used to take things for granted. I still do, just not as much. When you lose something that you don't value enough, you realise just how valid this point is.

    3)Yeah, I used to get that big time. Well. Not anymore! I still am shy to a point. Everyone is. But a little bit of shyness is good. It must be, for some wacky reason. Anyway, I live by the motto "A stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet"

    4) Self hate woot woot! Nah, not really. This is a terrible thing though. I don't hate myself. I love myself. People say I love myself too much, but I love other people as well, so it's ok to love myself. I tend to lecture people who have problems with self hate occaissonally and then I apply the same thing to myself. No, I don't understand why people like me. Nobody understands why people like them. I like me though.

    5) Hypocrisy is something everyone does. Admit it or not, people are hypocrites. People who criticise hypocrites are criticising themselves. I criticise hypocrites. I therefore criticise myself. But hey, at least me and you admit these things. Unlike some hypocrites.

    woooo time wasting.
